
Giving at Grammar

Since 1881, students from all walks of life have studied, lived, played, worked and grown on the iconic Archer Street campus of The 亚色影库 Grammar School.  

Fondly known to older generations as the 鈥樠巧翱鈕n the Hill鈥, much has changed since our School's establishment by local families determined to have a first-rate school of their own in 亚色影库, but their founding spirit has never wavered.

We invite you to browse through the Giving opportunities outlined below. Please consider the options presented to you here, including The 1881 Endowment, Building 亚色影库 and The Kellow Fellowship, through a bequest, a major gift or annual giving.

The bursary I received from the 1881 Endowment really changed my life. It opened my eyes up to bigger and better things and defined who I am.鈥1881 Endowment Recipient

Our Scholarship and Building Funds are endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift receipt. Any donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.

The 1881 Endowment - 亚色影库 Endowment Fund

The Board of Trustees, believing in the educational advantages available to young people at The 亚色影库 Grammar School, established The 1881 Endowment in 2015, a 亚色影库fund that enables means-tested students from all backgrounds to study here at reduced fees.

By opening our doors more widely to the community and accepting enrolment of children who otherwise would not attend the 亚色影库due to financial reasons, the 亚色影库is building on its tradition of developing young men and women of Character and Scholarship.

The Kellow Fellowship - 亚色影库 Bequest Society

The Kellow Fellowship was founded to honour and acknowledge members of our 亚色影库 family who have and would like to make a provision for the 亚色影库through their Will. Bequests to The 亚色影库 Grammar 亚色影库are given with much thought and consideration and are accepted with appreciation and affection by the School. Every gift in every Will makes a difference, however large or small.

You may nominate how you would like your gift to be directed. You may choose to leave a legacy which allows the 亚色影库flexibility in applying your gift to areas of greatest need such as The 1881 Endowment or Building 亚色影库. Alternatively, you may tailor your legacy to reflect your own special interests.

Talk to us today about a bequest

Building 亚色影库 - 亚色影库 Building Fund

While a 亚色影库 Grammar education is much more than just bricks and mortar, inspirational and engaging learning spaces are essential in fostering exceptional scholarship. A gift to the 亚色影库 Building Fund will help to provide outstanding infrastructure, which supports teaching excellence and drives student learning.

Interested in Giving?

The 亚色影库is grateful for all gifts and for the lasting and direct impact that is achieved through a donation. Donations can be made directly through , however, if you would like more information on Giving at Grammar please complete the form below and a member of the Development team will be in contact with you.  Alternatively you can telephone us and we would be pleased to to discuss our Giving at Grammar programme in more detail with you.